Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 4, p. 147- 150. UDC 616.89-02-084:612.63.02 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Добряков И.В. – канд. мед. наук, доцент Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация,
Молчанова Е.С. – канд. мед. наук

Добряков И.В., Молчанова Е.С.
Abstract in Russian:

This theoretical paper examines perinatal psychology by using fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamic theory (NLD) as analogies. Conceptions of perinatal matrixes and living scripts are perceived through the principles of NLD (self-similarity, nonlinearity and sensitive dependence). The authors emphasize, while being unable to give correct answers, fractal geometry could serve as a very useful methodology in creating an understandable mathematical image of a mental phenomenon or a mental process.

Keywords in Russian:

This theoretical paper examines perinatal psychology by using fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamic theory (NLD) as analogies. Conceptions of perinatal matrixes and living scripts are perceived through the principles of NLD (self-similarity, nonlinearity and sensitive dependence). The authors emphasize, while being unable to give correct answers, fractal geometry could serve as a very useful methodology in creating an understandable mathematical image of a mental phenomenon or a mental process.

Добряков И.В., Молчанова Е.С.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

This theoretical paper examines perinatal psychology by using fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamic theory (NLD) as analogies. Conceptions of perinatal matrixes and living scripts are perceived through the principles of NLD (self-similarity, nonlinearity and sensitive dependence). The authors emphasize, while being unable to give correct answers, fractal geometry could serve as a very useful methodology in creating an understandable mathematical image of a mental phenomenon or a mental process.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

This theoretical paper examines perinatal psychology by using fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamic theory (NLD) as analogies. Conceptions of perinatal matrixes and living scripts are perceived through the principles of NLD (self-similarity, nonlinearity and sensitive dependence). The authors emphasize, while being unable to give correct answers, fractal geometry could serve as a very useful methodology in creating an understandable mathematical image of a mental phenomenon or a mental process.

Добряков И.В., Молчанова Е.С.
Abstract in English:

This theoretical paper examines perinatal psychology by using fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamic theory (NLD) as analogies. Conceptions of perinatal matrixes and living scripts are perceived through the principles of NLD (self-similarity, nonlinearity and sensitive dependence). The authors emphasize, while being unable to give correct answers, fractal geometry could serve as a very useful methodology in creating an understandable mathematical image of a mental phenomenon or a mental process.

Keywords in English:

This theoretical paper examines perinatal psychology by using fractal geometry and nonlinear dynamic theory (NLD) as analogies. Conceptions of perinatal matrixes and living scripts are perceived through the principles of NLD (self-similarity, nonlinearity and sensitive dependence). The authors emphasize, while being unable to give correct answers, fractal geometry could serve as a very useful methodology in creating an understandable mathematical image of a mental phenomenon or a mental process.

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Добряков И.В. ПЕРИНАТАЛЬНАЯ ПСИХОЛОГИЯ И ФРАКТАЛЬНАЯ ГЕОМЕТРИЯ: ПОИСК АНАЛОГИЙ / И.В. Добряков, Е.С. Молчанова // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 4. S. 147- 150.