Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 10, p. 12- 14. UDC 53:524.8 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Фоломеев В. Н. − канд. физ.-мат. наук, ст. науч. сотр.

Фоломеев В. Н.
Abstract in Russian:

An unified dark energy and dark matter model within the framework of a model of a continuous medium with conformal anomaly and bulk viscosity are considered. It was shown that a special choice of a bulk viscosity coefficient in the form of a power function is necessary to satisfy the observational data. Evolution of the model in the future was investigated at such conditions.

Keywords in Russian:

An unified dark energy and dark matter model within the framework of a model of a continuous medium with conformal anomaly and bulk viscosity are considered. It was shown that a special choice of a bulk viscosity coefficient in the form of a power function is necessary to satisfy the observational data. Evolution of the model in the future was investigated at such conditions.

Фоломеев В. Н.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

An unified dark energy and dark matter model within the framework of a model of a continuous medium with conformal anomaly and bulk viscosity are considered. It was shown that a special choice of a bulk viscosity coefficient in the form of a power function is necessary to satisfy the observational data. Evolution of the model in the future was investigated at such conditions.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

An unified dark energy and dark matter model within the framework of a model of a continuous medium with conformal anomaly and bulk viscosity are considered. It was shown that a special choice of a bulk viscosity coefficient in the form of a power function is necessary to satisfy the observational data. Evolution of the model in the future was investigated at such conditions.

Фоломеев В. Н.
Abstract in English:

An unified dark energy and dark matter model within the framework of a model of a continuous medium with conformal anomaly and bulk viscosity are considered. It was shown that a special choice of a bulk viscosity coefficient in the form of a power function is necessary to satisfy the observational data. Evolution of the model in the future was investigated at such conditions.

Keywords in English:

An unified dark energy and dark matter model within the framework of a model of a continuous medium with conformal anomaly and bulk viscosity are considered. It was shown that a special choice of a bulk viscosity coefficient in the form of a power function is necessary to satisfy the observational data. Evolution of the model in the future was investigated at such conditions.

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Фоломеев В. Н. ТЕМНАЯ ЭНЕРГИЯ: КОНФОРМНАЯ АНОМАЛИЯ И ВТОРАЯ ВЯЗКОСТЬ / В. Фоломеев // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 10. S. 12- 14.